Welcome to our Parent Portal. We know you're [a little] sad you're not at camp with us, so we hope you can experience a piece of it with us through prayer, photos, videos & daily updates.
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram @campcelebrate!
BUTTONS WILL BE ACTIVATED AS CONTENT IS ADDED- WHEN CONTENT IS UP THE BUTTON WILL BE BLUE! The Sunday/Monday video is combined because I had a memory card/computer error that crashed all my files and I lost most of the video footage for Sunday.
In your child's three years at Camp Celebrate we do a content rotation of Discipleship, Mary, and the Eucharist. This year we’ll be diving into the Eucharist and discovering how we can be fully consumed by Christ’s love and presence. Together, we’ll learn to prioritize our relationship with Him above the distractions of this world that constantly consume our day to day lives, allowing God’s transformative grace and mercy to fill our hearts. We'll be focusing on how we consume and can be consumed by Jesus through the Eucharist and His body & blood during the Mass. Our goal is campers are able to be in pure wonder & awe of a good and loving God who can be physically present with us in our lives through the sacraments. Stay tuned for a week of crazy fun, adventure, worship, and pure wonder as we allow ourselves to be Consumed by Christ!
When you camper gets home here are some discussion questions you can ask to keep the conversation going! And hey, we know it sounds intimidating if this isn't your normal "cup of conversation tea", and can even be uncomfortable for you if you don't feel like you "know enough" (ps- all those lies are the devil trying to take something good away!), but we've personally witnessed and seen how God uses a camper's faith and experiences to transform a family, soften a heart, and bring God's love home through a simple, beautiful, and necessary childlike faith. All of that to say, give it a try- you have nothing to lose!
What was your favorite part of camp and why?
This helps your camper reflect on the positive experiences they had.
Did you make any new friends? Can you tell me about them?
Encourages your camper to share social experiences and new connections.
What is one thing you learned about God or your faith this week?
Opens up a space for sharing spiritual growth and insights.
Was there a particular moment when you felt God's presence?
Helps your camper identify and articulate spiritual moments.
Can you tell me about a challenge you faced and how you dealt with it?
Encourages discussion about problem-solving and resilience.
What activities did you enjoy the most?
Promotes sharing of fun and engaging experiences.
How do you think you've grown as a person during camp?
Helps your camper reflect on personal development and growth.
What does it mean to be consumed by Christ?
Allows your camper to dive into their takeaway of the topic.
Is there something you did at camp that you’d like to continue at home?
Encourages the integration of faith at camp experiences into daily life.
What was the craziest thing that happened this week?
A fun and light-hearted question to keep the conversation going.
Remember, these questions are meant to create a safe and open space for your camper to share their experiences and to allow God work through them to you. Listening attentively and showing genuine interest can help your camper feel seen, known and loved by you! Again, you never know how the Holy Spirit will use them to speak to your heart!
And of course, offer to take them to Mass- don't make them ask!